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Royal Court Theatre Downstairs

Sloane Square, Chelsea, London SW1W 8AS 020 7565 5000

  • Where to buy tickets
  • Best seat advice
  • Seating plan/s
  • Getting to the theatre

Buying tickets online provide their own service for this theatre.
This system allows you to select your actual seat from all those available.

Booking fees per transaction:
£1 is charged to collect tickets at the Royal Court Box Office. No other fee is charged.

About the show:

A Knock on the Roof   



Other Online Choices (with genuine S.T.A.R ticket agencies): 
This venue sometimes allocates tickets to agencies. Details will appear here if appropriate.

Ticket agencies offer an alternative way to buy tickets, with booking fees differing from those charged by the theatre box office itself. They may have seats available or special offers when theatres do not.

Ticket agency prices vary in response to theatres implementing “dynamic pricing”  - which alters prices according to demand for a particular performance. Current prices are advised at time of enquiry.

Other Independent S.T.A.R. ticket agencies may also offer an alternative choice of seats.

Encore Tickets

A Good House
Encore Tickets charge £12 on £70, £10 on £62, £2 on £46, £1 on £35 seats / £9 on £39, £1 on £34, £10.50 on £22.50 preview seats booking fee per ticket.

Discounts and "Meal and Show" packages may also be available.



A Knock on the Roof
Encore Tickets charge £12 on £70, £10 on £62, £2 on £46, £1 on £35 seats / £9 on £39, £1 on £34, £10.50 on £22.50 preview seats booking fee per ticket.

Discounts and "Meal and Show" packages may also be available.



Encore Tickets charge £12 on £58, £1 on £35 seats booking fee per ticket.

Discounts and "Meal and Show" packages may also be available.

Box office information

Telephone: 020 7565 5000
Operated by the Royal Court Theatre itself. 10am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. 

Booking fees for telephone bookings:
£1 is charged to collect tickets at the Royal Court Box Office. No other fee is charged.

For personal callers or by post:
Sloane Square, London. SW1W 8AS
No booking fee for personal callers. 

Special Access Needs Customers: 
Wheelchair users and other registered disabled theatregoers can book their seats and enquire about concessionary prices that may be available to them on 020 7565 5000.

Please remember that cheaper seats often do not offer the same view / location quality as top price ones, and that ticket prices are designed to reflect this difference.

Note: At normal Monday Evening performances, with all tickets at a single price, Dress Circle row D 2 to15 becomes "Green" for value, row E 8 to 15 "white" and the Upper Circle is all rated "red" for value. If you have to sit there, aim for the 'green' seats first, though.

  • Stalls
  • Dress Circle
  • Upper Circle



The Dress Circle overhangs the stalls at row E at the sides, G in the middle. The top of the stage is not visible from row K back.

Seats are a single block, with an access aisle to centre row K and L and wheelchair viewing positions.

There is no outer aisle at the ends of rows L and M.


Adequate in all seats.

Maximum legroom is in row K and seats B4 and 18 and M 11, with nothing in front.

M12 is also almost clear of anything in front. C 4 and 19 have 30% of the seat width clear in front, D 3 and 19 around 5% clear.

Arm-rests can be raised to provide wider seating - though two tickets must be bought if doing so. If you bought the whole of row M, you could have the world's largest theatre sofa by doing this, the monkey notes.

Choosing seats in general

Rows AA and BB an be inserted in front of row A if a stage extension is not required.

Normally, the pricing policy puts the front three rows (five when AA and BB are in use), and the last two rows at a lower price. The rest are all top price.

The front row - A, B, AA or BB is confirmed during previews, and the monkey posts details when available. All these are always very cheap, even if you do have to look up. Worth thinking about, feels the monkey.

Of the cheap front 2 or 4 rows, the monkey would go for the furthest row back possible, if trying to avoid any potential neck ache. Anything further forward is an excellent second choice, though, it feels – and don’t worry about taking the front row. The box office will warn / not sell seats that are too uncomfortable.

The two first and last seats from row B back are outside the proscenium with the edges of the stage not visible. At top price, avoid.

Prime seats are in the centre of rows from E back.

Wheelchair spaces behind row J seats 11 and 12 offer a perfect view. Two more spaces at the ends of K. Take J first, then K but both are fine.

At second price, the back two rows are excellent value if the similarly priced front ones don’t appeal. The rake is good enough to provide clear views (accepting the top of the stage is not visible), and the theatre is intimate enough to feel close to the stage. A meaner ape than Theatremonkey would quibble with the prices for these seats in the rear of the theatre.

General hazard notes

The stage can be high and have a strange configuration that affects sightlines in front rows.

Changes for the current production

A Knock on the Roof
The front row is A. Cheapest in the house, and absolute first choice before dress circle slips and upper circle ends at the same bananas.

End pair on row B are second price. Skip them, particularly 4 and 18, as you will miss the sides of the stage due to the wall directly in front.

Central C to H are premium price, the outer fours in C to F (2 on G) at top non-premium. Still just fair value, feels the monkey - it would take E back for best value at premium price, it feels, going for central B or just beside the premium ones in F, F, D then C in that order at top non-premium price.

Alternatively, and as good, ends of G to J are second price. Take H and J first - G, like the top price ends in front, again don't have such a good viewing angle of the stage. 

For a central view, row K 8 to 15 at second price also have legroom. You could take cheaper L and M at fourth price too (M11 and 12 also have legroom) for similar views. Any seat back here beats upper circle for the same bananas.

The front row is not confirmed, but likely to be A. Cheapest in the house, and absolute first choice before dress circle slips and upper circle ends at the same bananas.

End pair on row B are second price. Skip them, particularly 4 and 18, as you will miss the sides of the stage due to the wall directly in front.

With no premium seats, central to G are the best view at top price.

Ends of G to J are second price. Take H and J first - G, like the top price ends in front, again don't have such a good viewing angle of the stage. 

For a central view, row K 8 to 15 at second price also have legroom. You could take cheaper L and M at fourth price too (M11 and 12 also have legroom) for similar views. Any seat back here beats upper circle for the same bananas.

Readers comments

“Row AA: "Love, Love, Love" (May 2012), (Iain). Excellent.”

"Row BB: "The Heretic" (February 2011), (Iain Campbell). At £10 each we had a great view - AA is even better. Seats are leather, and very comfortable."

"Row BB: (James). We had cheaper seats - front row - and had a great view. Not too bad on the neck strain and comfortable leather-look seating with arm rests. Fantastic for £12."

"A13: "X" (March 2016). Good seat for a lower price. There is a need to look up, but only a bit and the action is close. The only issue is a table in the centre of the set which from this seat gets in the way for a few pieces of action that take place at the back of the set."

"C10: "X" (April 2016) – Small but lovely theatre, this seat is pretty central and close to the stage. It does require you to look up, but I didn’t miss anything as the stage isn’t too high here!"

"D11 and 12: "Clynbourne Park" (August 2010), (That Fulham Couple – regular readers). Comfortable; however, for this production we recommend sitting a few rows further back."

"E20: "Hope" (December 2014). Oh, how I love the Royal Court's £10 Mondays, though this would be a good seat at full price. Very comfortable too. As ever with an aisle seat, you'll miss some of the action at the extreme left of the stage, but for this production that's not really an issue. Some of the actors occasionally deliver their lines standing/sitting on the very edge of the stage, so being that close was great. (Note to the Monkey: what is with the lighting at the Royal Court? Lady in front of me dropped her glasses and even with the help of the guy next to her (who activated a torch function on his mobile phone) couldn't find them. Luckily they'd skittered against my foot so I was able to hand them back. We all had a laugh, though, that Hope is about an age of austerity cuts and it appeared the RC had implemented a similar policy on their auditorium lighting!) "

"F5 and 6: "Clybourne Park," (September 2010). No problems, close enough to see facial expressions but far enough back to see the whole stage easily."

"H12 and H13: “Now or Later” (October 2008), (James – regular reader). Staggered seats and a fair rake ensured a good view."

"K12: "Bluets" (May 2024), (Taljaard). Fantastic seat. An aisle in front so masses of leg room."

"M9: "The Cane" (December 2018). (back row) This row could feel a little claustrophobic as there is a solid wall both behind and at the sides and a low ceiling while lighting is very dim indeed. I could see well as the theatre isn’t large and is raked but the leather style seats were hard and uncomfortable but with plenty of room to stretch my legs fully."

Dress Circle


The Upper Circle overhangs the Dress Circle at row C, but does not affect the view.

The circle curves sharply towards the stage.

Two slips extend from the front of the circle, down the sides of the theatre towards the stage.


Poor in all seats for the tallest, worst in row A, particularly if tall. If fit and up to 5ft 7, you should be fairly comfortable in all seats.

Slip seats 1 and 16 allow a little space to move a leg sideways, the monkey noted.

Choosing seats in general

Like the Stalls, seats are fairly priced for view.

Seats A 3, 4, 19 and 20 are discounted to account for the high rails in front. The front stalls are preferable for view at the same price.

Elsewhere, central seats in rows A to C have a decent view. Go as central as possible, is the monkey advice. In particular skip C4 and 19, previously second price but now top.

Outer seats, even at second price, are less of a bargain – again, there are decent stalls for the same price.

Central row E is cheaper than row D in front of it (Tuesday to Saturday), for similar views... the monkey would take central row E first and save a few pounds.

Wheelchair space at row D2. Make your choice according to personal preference. Theatremonkey likes the stalls better, but the view is probably equal.

A row of seats runs from the front of the circle down either side of the theatre to form slips. Seats here offer a sideways view of the stage - and have no arm-rests. The restricted view is fairly priced. Be aware that they are the same price as outermost upper circle seats. Upper circle seats have a forward-facing view, and the aisle seat will allow you to move a leg sideways. Your call, feels the monkey, who would take the slips first if the one closest to the main circle is going, then look at the upper circle aisle seats itself, as it likes an aisle and front view if possible.

Behind them are eight restricted view standing positions. At just ten pence each these are a total bargain – and don’t forget your arrows... viewing is through fairly wide “archer slits.” Tum-te-tum-te-tum-te-tum thinks the monkey... The best standing places are the ones furthest from the stage, arrive early to nab them. The closer you get to the stage, the very much lesser the view.

General hazard notes

The ends of each row have an angled view of the stage.

Metal bar runs across the front of the circle, and is double height in front of seats A 3, 4, 19 and 20.

Slip seats and standing places have a severely restricted view of the stage.

Changes for the current production

A Knock on the Roof
Central rows A and B are premium price. Stalls have more legroom, but take them if you wish. You can go for the two seats next to the premium ones at top non-premium price too. In both cases, select A or B according to taste in legroom (B has a little more). 

Two seats on the end of A and two just one in from the aisle on B are third price. If you don't mind the view and legroom go third price on row A, or if single take B1 at fourth price for an aisle and decent value. C2 is as good.

Bear in mind you can take centre D at third price and have pretty much the same view as row C at top price. C 5, 6, 17 and 18 at second price are also worth thinking about for being close. Skip C7 and 16 just because you are paying more than the person next to you for the same view.

Even doing fine in third price central D, you can go back a row and you get central E at fourth price, even better - if legroom isn't a consideration. Or you can go out to the sides of D for similar good value.

It would try for rows L and M stalls over circle row E for comfort, first, though.
Slips are cheaper than row E, but priced the same as stalls row A. If you can't get row A, the monkey would probably take slips 6 to 11 for the best angle on the stage, but all are fair value at least.


No premium prices, so you can take central A or B according to taste in legroom (B has a little more). 

Two seats on the end of A and two just one in from the aisle on B are third price. If you don't mind the view and legroom go third price on row A, or if single take B1 at fourth price for an aisle and decent value. C2 is as good.

Bear in mind you can take centre D at third price and have pretty much the same view as row C at top price. C 5, 6, 17 and 18 at second price are also worth thinking about for being close. Skip C7 and 16 just because you are paying more than the person next to you for the same view.

Even doing fine in third price central D, you can go back a row and you get central E at fourth price, even better - if legroom isn't a consideration. Or you can go out to the sides of D for similar good value.

It would try for rows L and M stalls over circle row E for comfort, first, though.
Slips are cheaper than row E, but priced the same as stalls row A. If you can't get row A, the monkey would probably take slips 6 to 11 for the best angle on the stage, but all are fair value at least.

Readers comments

“D2: “Black Superhero” (March 2023), (Broadway John). The overhang blocked a little of the view. Heads a bit in the way. Had to move a lot to see around them. Handicapped toilet just out the door. On the main level, stalls downstairs.”

"B14 and 15: "Let the Right One In." Lovely little theatre. Our seats gave us an amazing view of the stage. really comfortable seating with plenty of legroom."

"C18 to 21: "Get Santa!" (December 2010), (Clive). Generally a good view with definitely no feeling of remoteness. However the very left of the stage is obscured in C20 and especially in C21. Legroom is adequate but no better."

“D19 and 20: “Giant” (October 2024), ), (Broadway John). Missed a little bit of the left side of the stage but not a big deal.”

"Circle slips seat 9: "Linda" (November 2015). £15. First seat in row of slip seats ..... Flip down seats, quite narrow with no armrests. Limited legroom (but I'm only 5' 5" so fine for me)..... But plenty of room behind the seat to store bags/coat etc. only three people in the nine slip seats, so could sit sideways and had good view of a cleverly designed revolving set. You do lose about 15% of the left side of the stage, but it didn't really matter apart from one pivotal moment when a character came onto that blind spot of the stage and I didn't realise they had!" 

Upper Circle


This is high above the stage.

Seats curve sharply in a single block, towards the stage.

Rails between each row do not affect views much.


Poor in all seats, worst in row A. Row B has an inch or so more than the rest. Those up to 5ft 6 or so should be fairly comfortable here, but these seats are not for those more than 5ft 10, the monkey feels.

Choosing seats in general

The view from central seats is clear, poor for the first and last four in each row - which are priced to allow for this.

Choose central row B first, then C at second price. Go a row back rather than outwards, to take central seats first. B18 is the one that hovers most in the "least good for the price" category, the monkey feels.

Row A can be a bargain (to those willing to risk their circulation) when sold at restricted view prices - otherwise avoid.

The worst restricted views normally occur when either the front of the stage is extended forward or, more commonly, if staging doesn’t account for the double height bars which run across the front of the circle.

At third price, the outermost seats in all rows are now the same price as dress circle slips. The monkey likes the forward facing view in the upper circle, and would take the outermost aisle seat for a bit of extra space beside it. Before booking one, though, it would check if dress circle slip 11 or 12 are available, just for closeness to the stage. Not a recommendation, though, just it's thought on the subject.

The monkey would honestly advise finding the extra bananas if possible to sit in the stalls, especially if taller.

General hazard notes

Double bars run across the front of the circle, singles between each row.

Outermost seats lose views of the stage front to the curve of the circle.

Some people find the centres of the long rows claustrophobic.

Row C has no arm-rests.

Changes for the current production

A Knock on the Roof
Row A 5 to 17 has been promoted to third price. Unless short enough to accept the legroom and tall enough to see over the front of the circle, skip it. You can go in the rear stalls (M11 and 12 for nothing in front if you are short) and be more comfortable as well as paying less.

The rest of the seats up here are fourth and fifth price. The fifth price ends are as usual decent value, with central rows B and C fair at fourth price except B18, the cramped one. Remember, you can have stalls row A before these, the monkey would, and would probably take dress circle slips 6 to 11 over these as well for being closer if nothing else.

Row A 5 to 17 has been promoted to third price. Unless short enough to accept the legroom and tall enough to see over the front of the circle, skip it. You can go in the rear stalls (M11 and 12 for nothing in front if you are short) and be more comfortable as well as paying less.

The rest of the seats up here are fourth and fifth price. The fifth price ends are as usual decent value, with central rows B and C fair at fourth price except B18, the cramped one. Remember, you can have stalls row A before these, the monkey would, and would probably take dress circle slips 6 to 11 over these as well for being closer if nothing else.

Readers comments

"A20: "Escaped Alone" (January 2016). The leg room is limited – knees well up against the front of the balcony. The seat is sold as restricted view. However, this depends on the show. For some with much action to the stage sides, this could be an issue, but for this show the action took place centrally, so the view missed nothing. At the price this was good."

"C13: "Birthday" (July 2012), (Taljaard – regular reader). A very good view and was not very distant from the stage at all."

Notes best seat advice

Total 395 seats.

Air-conditioned auditorium.

Occasional signed and audio described performances. Scripts available free to deaf patrons attending sign-interpreted performances. Texture mapped stairs and floor number announcer in lift. Guide dogs welcome in auditorium or dog sat. Induction loop at box office and in auditorium, also infra red headsets in auditorium, Sennsheiner infrared. Many wheelchair space in auditorium in central row J and ends of row K of stalls. Access via lifts and easy slopes. Adapted unisex toilets at Stalls and Circle level. Fuller details or call the box office.

Bar and Kitchen in basement, Ice cream and confectionery in auditorium.

Two bars, Stalls and Balcony.

6 Toilets. Stalls 1 gents 1 cubicle, 1 ladies 2 cubicles; Dress Circle 1 ladies 1 cubicle; Upper Circle 1 gents 1 cubicle; Upper Circle staircase 1 gents 1 cubicle, 1 ladies 2 cubicles. is the official venue website.

General price band information

Theatres use "dynamic pricing." Seat prices change according to demand for a particular performance. Prices below were compiled as booking originally opened. Current prices are advised at time of enquiry.

Based on paying FULL PRICE (no discount!) for tickets, site writers and contributing guests have ALSO created the colour-coded plans for "value for money," considering factors like views, comfort and value-for-money compared with other same-priced seats available.

For a full discussion, opinions, reviews, notes, tips, hints and advice on all the seats in this theatre, click on "BEST SEAT ADVICE" (on the left of your screen).

On the plans below:
Seats in GREEN many feel may offer either noticeable value, or something to compensate for a problem; for example, being a well-priced restricted view ticket. Any seats coloured LIGHT GREEN are sold at "premium" prices because the show producer thinks they are the best. The monkey says "you are only getting what you pay for" but uses this colour to highlight the ones it feels best at the price, and help everybody else find equally good seats nearby at lower prices.

Seats in WHITE, many feel, provided about what they pay for. Generally unremarkable.

Seats in RED are coloured to draw attention. Not necessarily to be avoided - maybe nothing specific is wrong with them, other than opinions that there are better seats at the same price. Other times there may be something to consider before buying – perhaps overpricing, obstructed views, less comfort etc.

Please remember that cheaper seats often do not offer the same view / location quality as top price ones, and that ticket prices are designed to reflect this difference.


By value for money:

A Knock on the Roof 
Some details may change, the monkey will update as available.

On Monday Evenings, all seats are a single price and "green" for value.


Some details may change, the monkey will update as available.

On Monday Evenings, all seats are a single price and "green" for value.


By price:

 A Knock on the Roof 
Some details may change, the monkey will update as available.

All performances except the first two previews.
First two previews only.

Monday Evenings: All tickets £15.


Some details may change, the monkey will update as available.

All performances except the first two previews.


First two previews only.

Monday Evenings: All tickets £15.



Please note: The seating plans are not accurate representations of the auditorium. While we try to ensure they are as close to the actual theatre plan as possible we cannot guarantee they are a true representation. Customers with specific requirements are advised to discuss these with the theatre prior to booking to avoid any confusion.

-0.1587227, 51.4925621

Nearest underground station

Sloane Square - Circle Line (yellow) and District Line (green).

The theatre is next to the station.


11, 19, 22, 219, C1 to Sloane Square.


Hail one in the street outside.

Car park

Cadogan Place.

From the car park, exit onto Cadogan Place. Turn to your right and walk to the junction with Sloane Street. Turn left into Sloane Street and walk up it, crossing Pont Street, to the theatre, which is ahead of you on the far side of Sloane Square.

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