Russell Street, London WC2B 5HH 0333 009 6690
Ambassador Theatre Group, the theatre group's own website provide the service for this theatre.
Note that for Monday, Tuesday and Saturday performances, booking is open only to those signed up to the "Operation Mincemeat" mailing list at www.operationmincemeat.com/mailing-list.
Booking fees per transaction:
A £3.80 per transaction (not per ticket) fee is made.
Other Online Choices (with genuine S.T.A.R ticket agencies):
Ticket agencies offer an alternative way to buy tickets, with booking fees differing from those charged by the theatre box office itself. They may have seats available or special offers when theatres do not.
Ticket agency prices vary in response to theatres implementing “dynamic pricing” - which alters prices according to demand for a particular performance. Prices stated here were compiled as booking originally opened, current prices are advised at time of enquiry.
ALSO SEE Tickettree.com for great value "hotel and theatre ticket" packages.
Other Independent S.T.A.R. ticket agencies may also offer an alternative choice of seats.
Telephone: 0333 009 6690
Operated by the Ambassador Theatre group's own phoneroom from 9am until 10pm (Sundays 10am until 8pm). Outside these hours the Ticketmaster agency answer calls on their behalf.
Note that for Monday Evening performances, booking is open only to those signed up to the "Operation Mincemeat" mailing list at www.operationmincemeat.com/mailing-list.
Booking fees per transaction for telephone bookings:
A £3.80 per transaction (not per ticket) fee is made.
For personal callers or by post:
Russell Street, London. WC2B 5HH.
No booking fee for personal callers.
Special Access Needs Customers:
Wheelchair users and other registered disabled theatregoers can book their seats and enquire about concessionary prices that may be available to them on 0800 912 6971.
Please remember that cheaper seats often do not offer the same view / location quality as top price ones, and that ticket prices are designed to reflect this difference.
The Dress Circle overhangs the stalls at row H.
The stalls are divided into two unequal blocks by an aisle.
The main block is in front of the stage, the other... sort of trails off to one side.
Two thick pillars at the ends of row D and K beside seat 1.
The rake (sloped floor to help see over rows in front) is about adequate to allow the rear 4 rows to see over those in front.
Acceptable throughout the stalls for those up to around 5ft 10 at least.
Row AA if in use has less - for those up to 5ft 6 or so.
Row A seats 12 and 13 have unlimited legroom. Seat A14 has a metal post in front of it but should still be acceptable for those up to 5ft 8 or so at least.
Seats B1, C1, D1, E1 and K1 have nothing in front of them.
In the main block, almost any seat except the first two or three in each row are a safe bet.
Row D back are best, compensating for the high stage.
Second price seats in the back row of this block offer good value.
Sitting in the small block to the left of the stage, this monkey feel it is in a different theatre altogether as the actors have to work double hard to include us in the action.
Take the centre aisle seat if you like at the sides, but avoid the rest of this block if possible. If you can't, then take the farthest back seat you can to compensate for a strange viewing angle.
Metal pole in front of A14 will irritate some.
The pillars in front of D1 and K1 irritate, rather than block views.
Seats are not offset to see around the row in front.
Outermost side block seats have a strange viewing angle.
Ends of rows on the "high numbers" side from B back do not have extra legroom as the wall curves into the space.
On the "low numbers" side there is a refreshments and souvenir kiosk beside rows H back. Useful for drinks without getting in line at the bar, but may disturb some.
Operation Mincemeat
All seats are a single price wherever you sit in the theatre.
In this theatre, the stalls are the only seats with any legroom, first choice for all but the shortest.
Row AA is the front row, the stage is at eye-level to a 5ft 7 monkey. Legroom is limited - those under 5ft 6 will be comfortable here.
Take rows D to H 14 to 5, or J 7 to 5, as close to the front and aisle as possible first.
Then consider the front rows in the main block, again close to the aisle.
Take the edges last.
A sound desk beside K and L 12 should not bother anyone though the seats are right up against it.
The Upper Circle overhangs the stalls at row E, it does not affect the view from any seat.
Seats are split into two unequal blocks, the aisle cutting the lowest numbered five seats in the row off from the rest.
Row G is on a higher plinth than rows ahead of it.
Barely tolerable in all seats for those over 5ft 7, worst in row A, which is not suitable for those over 5ft 4 or so.
Seat B17 has nothing in front of it.
The larger block offers an adequate view from rows C to F, if the bars can be tolerated.
Avoiding the outermost two seats in all rows is advisable for a comfortable viewing angle. Choose the stalls first.
F17 is at the disposal of wheelchair users who can transfer. The view is poor but the only option on offer, sadly.
In the side blocks only B1 is discounted - the monkey would take row L stalls over these at the same price for comfort and view.
Thick metal bars across the front of the circle affect the view from rows A and B noticeably, and are mildly off-putting from other seats.
G1 is crammed into the corner of the venue by a wall. Not great.
Operation Mincemeat
All seats are a single price wherever you sit in the theatre.
In this theatre, the stalls are the only seats with any legroom, first choice for all but the shortest.
If you must sit up here, take seats in B to F, aisle for space to put one leg into (both legs in B17). The monkey would still advise stalls.
"A7: (Paul) Bought for £22.50 via an online ticket offer in November 2011. The view from these seats is incredible – you are almost eyeballing the actors!! The bar that the monkey notes in his review really didn’t affect my view at all. Monkey is correct, however, about the legroom which is truly awful. Sat down, wedged my size 11’s between the seat and the wall and 5”11 frame into my chair and didn’t move! However, the seats have been recently refurbished so my bum and back were OK! BUT I would most definitely sit here to see it again – at half-price, of course ;-)"
"B6 and 7: Comfortable seats, plenty of room under the seats for a big winter coat, but I did put my bag in the aisle and no one asked me to move it. Great view the Circle is really close to the stage in this tiny theatre, I had forgotten how small it is.
Aisle seats give great access to the circle bar which is small but functional. zoom past that bar to the ladies loos only 2 stalls quite small, so pre order interval drinks and make a bee line to the loos first."
"B14 and B15 (Benjamin): Found the view to be very good although not excellent as you would expect. The metal bars are in actual fact very low and it is only in a couple of points that they affect the view as the action nears the audience. At some points though you are glad to be away from the action - theatre goers with a heart condition should not sit in the aisle seats in the stalls!"
"C4 and 5: (Chris B). Excellent view, dress circle feels very close to the stage in a fairly small theatre, so feels quite intimate. Adequate legroom (fine for me, being 5ft 8) with the bonus of C5 being on the aisle to allow extra legroom if needed."
"C 9 and 10: "Operation Mincemeat" (May 2023). Seats had perfect central view of whole stage but this is the least amount of legroom I have ever had in a theatre, knees were touching the seat in front (lucky the seats were curved so you could put a knee in each corner) and with everyone in winter coats there was not much shoulder space."
"D12 and 13: although the view was brilliant, there is no space to speak of. At all. The poor woman in front of me was subject to my foot in her lower back on several occasions, just as I was from the man behind me. After a while, you get kind of used to it, but nothing can prepare you for the numb bum!! I would not recommend the dress circle for anyone above 5'10 as my boyfriend had some real problems cramping himself in."
“F 6 to 8: OK. You can’t quite see the very front of the stage unless you lean forward but this didn’t matter for this show. Had a clear view of the stage as a decent rake, central, you feel a bit far away but could have been worse.”
" F11 and F12: We had bought half price tickets from Leicester Square. I have never felt so much like a sardine in a theatre! At 6', things can be difficult but this was outrageous, especially considering these are classed as top price seats. I also had to contend with someone's head blocking the middle of the stage and a Pringle-munching heathen next to me, but the worst thing by far was the legroom. If the theatre really thinks that these seats are comparable to being in the stalls, then it is seriously deluded. You also miss out a bit on the scares - for example, I am still unsure as to why aisle seats in
the stalls are so nerve-wracking. Therefore, I think some of the Dress Circle should be marked in red as it really is substandard."
"G5 and 6: An excellent view of the stage (very close, even for the back of the circle) but the legroom again was minimal. Very comfortable seats but you really do need to fold your legs up!"
"G6: Does have a seat in front of it and is just as cramped and uncomfortable as all the others. Also, as the seat was next to the entrance/exit curtain was additionally entertained throughout by the chatter of staff downstairs in the bar."
One either side of the dress circle.
Good as movable chairs are used.
Clear but side-on viewing angle to the stage. Fair value.
One reader notes the speakers housed here make them noisy!
Supposedly haunted.
Operation Mincemeat
On sale at the same price as all other seats. Side view, but more comfortable than anything in the circles, if you can't get stalls.
Box B: Though views to the sides were limited we had a much better view, much closer to the stage, and plenty of room to stretch out."
High up and feels behind as well as above the Dress Circle.
Split into two blocks.
Poor, especially in row A, except A2 and A17 where the curve of the circle allows 1 leg space to the side of it.
In the lowest numbered seats (the smaller block in this circle) avoid numbers 1 to 3 unless discounted.
In the larger block avoid the last two seats in the row.
Be aware that rows F and G feel far from the stage.
Ornate ironwork runs across the front of this circle affecting the view in rows A and B particularly.
Tall rails at the end of each row. These don't affect views particularly from any seat.
Row G has fixed seats that do not flip up to allow others to pass.
Operation Mincemeat
All seats are a single price wherever you sit in the theatre.
In this theatre, the stalls are the only seats with any legroom, first choice for all but the shortest.
If you must sit up here, take seats in B to F, aisle for space to put one leg into. The monkey would still advise stalls and feels that this circle is really a last resort, particularly at weekend prices.
Standing space behind the back row may be sold cheap at some performances. A distant view but better value than paying for a seat up here, for the strong legged, feels the monkey.
“(Kathy Sutter): The seats are rather small with no leg room but otherwise OK."
“Row A: In row A, the safety bar was a real hindrance to a good view".
“Row A: Just a quick note to say you are dead right about Upper Circle Row A. We sat in A13 and A14, and I had to watch the first half through the gap in the safety rail. Legroom was ok for me, but I'm 5 foot; it was cramped for my taller friend.
We moved to the Dress Circle box at the interval, and though views to the sides were limited we had a much better view, much closer to the stage, and plenty of room to stretch out."
"A2: "Operation Mincemeat" (May 2023), (Taljaard). Good view, the railing in front gets a bit in the way but it didn't impact on my enjoyment of the show. One thing to mention is that although it's at the end of the row and offers a bit of extra legroom there is no aisle going up to the exit. So I waited to go in and then had to get folks to stand up to get to my seat. Fortunately the row is short."
"A2: The safety rail is a real issue. You either have to lean over it (obstructing the view of those sitting behind you) or slink down in your seat to watch through the gap in the two rails, which isn’t especially comfortable. At least it’s a small theatre so you don’t feel too far away from the stage. Leg room in this particular seat is actually very good, because there’s a walkway leading to Box D in front of the seat & off to the left, so you can stretch your legs out that way. The legroom in this row otherwise would be uncomfortable for me at 5’3”."
"Row C: We dared not move from our seats in the interval - as we couldn't have got out even if we tried - so we missed buying a programme. My seat was 'broken', well, I say broken but several nearby had the same problem. It wouldn't sit flat, so I spent the entire time sat crunched up. We are both around 5ft 4 and suffered due to the lack of leg room, our knees were literally overhanging the seats in front, hitting the head in front and were practically chest high."
“C7 and C8: Good view as the theatre is not that high, though there was a couple of sequences that were at the very very front of the stage which we could not see. Legroom was a bit cramped and I am not even that tall."
Either side of the upper circle.
Good as movable chairs are used.
Clear but side-on viewing angle to the stage. Good value if you prefer a little more legroom than the circle provides for the same money, and are willing to compromise on view a little. The monkey is.
Also, being cheaper, they seem worthwhile at bottom price in the monkey view, for comfort alone - even with a side view.
Side on view of stage.
Operation Mincemeat
Not on sale.
Total 440 seats.
Air-conditioned auditorium.
Induction loop and Sennheiser Infrared. Guide dog sitter, touch tours of set and occasional signed performances. A member of staff knows sign language but is not always on duty. Wheelchair lift, and users can transfer to Dress Circle seat F17 if they can get up five stairs from a fire exit. Fuller details at Ambassador Theatre Group or 0800 912 6971.
No food except ice cream and confectionery.
Two bars. Stalls and Upper Circle.
5 toilets in all; Stalls 1 gents 1 cubicle, 1 ladies 2 cubicles; Dress Circle 1 gents 3 cubicles, 1 ladies 2 cubicles; Upper Circle 1 ladies 1 cubicle.
A reader notes in January 2023,
"The theatre has the smallest toilets known to mankind. Plan your comfort breaks, and your clothing - if you stand up quickly you could smash your face against the door, and as for going into a cubicle wearing a thick, quilted coat....."
Another notes in 2024,
"Nightmare ladies toilets in the stalls - 2 absolutely tiny cubicles."
Theatres use "dynamic pricing." Seat prices change according to demand for a particular performance. Prices below were compiled as booking originally opened. Current prices are advised at time of enquiry.
Based on paying FULL PRICE (no discount!) for tickets, site writers and contributing guests have ALSO created the colour-coded plans for "value for money," considering factors like views, comfort and value-for-money compared with other same-priced seats available.
For a full discussion, opinions, reviews, notes, tips, hints and advice on all the seats in this theatre, click on "BEST SEAT ADVICE" (on the left of your screen).
On the plans below:
Seats in GREEN many feel may offer either noticeable value, or something to compensate for a problem; for example, being a well-priced restricted view ticket. Any seats coloured LIGHT GREEN are sold at "premium" prices because the show producer thinks they are the best. The monkey says "you are only getting what you pay for" but uses this colour to highlight the ones it feels best at the price, and help everybody else find equally good seats nearby at lower prices.
Seats in WHITE, many feel, provided about what they pay for. Generally unremarkable.
Seats in RED are coloured to draw attention. Not necessarily to be avoided - maybe nothing specific is wrong with them, other than opinions that there are better seats at the same price. Other times there may be something to consider before buying – perhaps overpricing, obstructed views, less comfort etc.
Please remember that cheaper seats often do not offer the same view / location quality as top price ones, and that ticket prices are designed to reflect this difference.
Operation Mincemeat
Operation Mincemeat
Standing room and any returned tickets are released daily from 12 noon on the day of performance for all shows EXCEPT Saturday Evenings at www.atgtickets.com.
Monday, Tuesday and Saturday tickets can only be purchased by those signed up to the "Operation Mincemeat" Email List at https://www.operationmincemeat.com/mailing-list.
Online Ticket Lottery at www.operationmincemeat.com/lottery.
A chance to win the right to buy two full price tickets for £25 each for Wednesday to Saturday performances. Entries can be made at any time for any performances within a two-week period. A draw is made every second Monday (Friday, if the Monday is a public holiday) at 2pm for the following two weeks. Winners will be notified by email and will have 24 hours from then to book the actual tickets. Seat location is at venue discretion. If you have access requirements, you can still enter the draw, and choose seats. Then email the box office, who will move your seats to more appropriate ones to match your needs.
Note that Dress Circle seats are not wider, but have been "stretched" for the purposes of this plan to show that there are 'seats in front of seats' in rows B and G.
Please note: The seating plans are not accurate representations of the auditorium. While we try to ensure they are as close to the actual theatre plan as possible we cannot guarantee they are a true representation. Customers with specific requirements are advised to discuss these with the theatre prior to booking to avoid any confusion.
Covent Garden - Piccadilly Line (dark blue).
For mobility impaired audience members, the Society of London Theatre provide a "photo map" - illustrated walking route to this venue from a near landmark and also Waterloo Station (the nearest fully accessible station) on their website www.officiallondontheatre.co.uk, via the theatre's listing page on that site.
On leaving the station, turn right and walk into the large pedestrian plaza that is Covent Garden. If you see a long road with cars in front of you, wrong way.
On entering the plaza space, turn to your left and walk along the collonaded area (cut across if it is not raining). If you see Tesco Metro Supermarket or a bank, Wrong way.
Keep walking ahead as far as the collonaded area will allow (it forms the outer part of the market Square). Follow it to the right. At the end of the building is Russell Street. Walk along Russell Street, crossing one road, until you reach a street corner with the Fortune Theatre to the left and the Drury Lane theatre ahead of you on the opposite side of the road.
6, 11, 13, 15, all stop on the Aldwych. Walk towards the Strand Theatre and walk up the street next to it, uphill, past the Duchess Theatre. Drury Lane Theatre is on the right side of this street, at the end corner. The Fortune Theatre is just past the Drury Lane Theatre, to the right of it on the crossroads at the end of the street. If you see the Aldwych or Lyceum Theatres, wrong way.
A rank for Black taxis is at Charing Cross Station - a long distance from the theatre. Best chance of hailing one in the street is to walk down Catherine Street to the Strand / Aldwych.
Parker Street, under the New London Theatre. Exit the Car Park and stand with your back to the main foyer of the theatre. Cross the road ahead of you and turn to your right. The street corner is there ahead of you. If not, wrong way. At the corner of the street, Turn left into Drury Lane and walk along it. If you pass the New London Theatre, wrong way.
Walk straight on, crossing Great Queen Street. Continue down Drury Lane. Please cross to the other side of the street and continue, crossing over Broad Court and Martlett Court until you come to a four way crossroads.
Turn to your right at these crossroads. Do not cross any street. Just walk ahead down Russell Street. Cross Crown Court and continue straight on, the Fortune Theatre is on your right on your side of the street. If you come to Covent Garden Piazza, too far.
If you use other car parks in the West End, the "Theatreland Parking Scheme" may be available. See www.q-park.co.uk for details and to book. At this car park, parking under the "Theatreland Parking Scheme" allows a 50% discount in cost for entry after 12 noon and for a maximum of 4 hours (after that parking is at the normal rate).
If you choose the "Theatreland Parking Scheme", you must book in advance at www.q-park.co.uk and have a theatre ticket stub dated for a theatre performance on the day you are parking there.
For a full list of car parks and theatres that participate in the 50% off theatreland scheme see www.q-park.co.uk.
© 2000-2025 "Theatremonkey," "Theatermonkey," "Chip" and "Sammy" are registered trademarks. Buy your tickets with confidence here. Theatremonkey is an Affiliate Member of STAR. All rights reserved.
Readers comments
"Stalls: (Laurence T). I sat in the centre of the stalls and I would definitely recommend this. For this show, being part of the action in the stalls, encourages a truly frightening experience. ATG tickets very often do special offers so it's best to keep on checking their website for new offers as you can sometimes get a good seat in the stalls for under 20 pounds! In the circle you will still feel frightened and part of the action but the stalls are the best bet, in my opinion."
“B1: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Broadway John). Didn't like being this close. View was OK, but sometimes the actors blocked each other and I had to look up and to the right a lot. Extra space for your left leg.”
“B1 to 3: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023). end of a row so great legroom in B1 and good for a quick exit. Clear view of the stage, third row back. Not too compromised by being at the end.”
"B 7, 8 and 9: (Lynn). When we sat down my daughter was a bit scared to find we were in fact in the front row having been expecting a "protective barrier" of people between her and the action. As the extension to the stage sloped down towards us I was more concerned that I could end up with a stumbling actor in my lap. However, later I found the worst bit was the fog (dry ice) that is pumped out from under the stage on the left hand side, which left us unable to see the stage having engulfed seats A1-7, B1-11 and probably a lot of row C as well. Although it passed fairly quickly it made quite a few people cough and was quite unpleasant to sit in. I think people with asthma or other respiratory conditions could find this a problem. Other than that as already noted by other people you do have to look up, but the view is excellent, my daughter said it was like being part of the cast!"
"B11 and 12: (KJ Hailes). Nice seats and view. Plenty of leg room."
"C3 and C4: (Sam Reid). Fine with sufficient leg room. Three rows from the front and to the side; only problem was that you are looking up so, if you suffer from neck problems as I do, probably best to sit a bit further back."
“C 6 to 8: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023). Very central, high stage so no problem with the people in front of you, though slight neck ache by the end from looking up. Reasonable legroom and I found the seats comfortable and upright though a little claustrophobic as you are packed in quite tightly. Great place to watch this fab show from though. Nightmare ladies toilets in the stalls - 2 absolutely tiny cubicles."
"C12 and 13: Centre section on the aisle. Thank you to the monkey for his recommendations! The front of stalls centre section really are the best in the house. I was worried about the stage being too high... it wasn't, in fact you could still see the floor. I also recommend the aisle seat for a particularly excellent, immersive view. If you wanted to pay top dollar for the premium seats further back I'd say go for it but I would still prefer to be nearer the stage!! I felt very comfortable but I should say that my friend got a slight crick in his neck. I don't know why because he's tall and we could both see the floor... might be relevant to some people. I really would avoid the side section of the stalls."
“C14: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Broadway John). As close as I would want to sit. Like being in row D better.”
"C17: Great seat!"
“D1 and 2: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023): We sat in the stalls D1 and 2 having been shown these seats by the box office staff when I booked. A corner of the stage was missed from D1 but this was more than made up for by the glorious legroom. I was able to stretch and stay comfortable therefore enhancing my enjoyment of the show. It has to be said that the toilets were designed for Ronnie Corbett, I really struggled there!!"
“D13 and 14: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Bob Pickett). On the edge of the central block, you do look up at the raised stage at The Fortune. Nice and close to the stage (for Operation Mincemeat this is a good idea). Good legroom, fairly comfortable though I seem to recall fidgeting during the second half. I’d definitely sit here again.”
“D13 and 14: Although we had considerably more leg room than in most, if I must make a criticism it is that you do have to look up all the time - so don't sit so close if you have neck problems."
“D15: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Broadway John). Great view and legroom. Fab seat!!!” On a second visit, he adds, "Great view, decent legroom.”
“D19: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Broadway John). Right side of stage is a restricted view so miss a little bit of the action. There is a rectangular box on the floor attached to the wall that restricts your legroom. I put my foot on top for the first 45 minutes but then that became uncomfortable. Stage is high so I wouldn't want to be more than 1 row closer or you would be looking up. Would sit here again if necessary to see a show but would prefer a better seat especially since they all cost the same amount.”
"E16: I am a big guy, 6.3" and many seats are usually pretty crappy for me, but this time around I was fairly lucky. Got a student ticket for £23 and got E16. Legroom was tolerable (knees touched the seat in front) but I was able to stretch out to the aisle. The seats were quite uncomfortable after a while though.
"E18 to 20: End of side block next to wall which gives an extra inch of room. Reasonable legroom, good view, not restricted in any way by being at the side."
“F1: “Operation Mincemeat“ (May 2023), (Broadway John). The left side of the stage was sometimes blocked. The rake wasn't very good so had to look around the head in front of me some. Good legroom.”
"F7 and F8: Naturally felt very close to the stage in such a small theatre. Our eye level was just above the front of the stage and although the rake isn't great the view was fine. Legroom perfectly acceptable for my height. Only minor issue was that a trunk on stage mostly hid a key piece of the action, so a seat more towards the middle would be preferable. The air conditioning was very welcome last night too! We paid £25 per ticket on an offer, so the seats were excellent value."
"F12 and 13: These seats gave an almost central view of the stage and were close enough to experience some the ‘action’. At 5ft 8 I found the seats gave me adequate legroom but anyone taller might have a problem and although the rake of the seating is hardly noticeable, the stage is high enough for even the shortest of people to see over heads in front of them."
"G3 and 4: "Operation Mincemeat" (May 2023). Average legroom, easy access. Not very good rake but as the stage is high you can see everything OK. My two daughters were in the seats in front of us and they are quite small. May have been a problem if behind a tall person, though."
G9 to G11: My Dad's 50th Birthday. Neither of us were disappointed with these seats at £39.00, a decent price. I had a very tall person sat in front of me (and I am 5ft 7) - this worried me at first. However, the stage is quite high up from the seating level, and all I missed was the actors' feet, And to be honest, their shoes are quite common anyway!"
“G10: The view of the stage was very good. Also, there was plenty of leg room in the seats so having to endure aching legs whilst watching the play."
"G10 and G11: Offered a good view of the stage."
"G12 to G14: (James – regular reader). Legroom is good here and the view is great but I was particularly lucky not to have anyone sitting in front as the rake is not that steep."
“H2: “Operation Mincemeat” (May 2023), (Broadway John). Loads of legroom! Seats are offset but there is very little rake. Good view although heads are occasionally in the way a little bit, but I think that would be true of almost all of the stall seats.”
"H9: A good view of the raised stage. The Fortune is a small theatre so most seats in the stalls provide a decent view."
“H15: “Operation Mincemeat“ (May 2023), (Broadway John). Nice aisle seat. Good legroom. Seats offset. Would love to sit here again!”
"H15 to 17: I note that the monkey says "The Dress Circle overhangs the stalls at row H.", but despite being in row H 15-17, the overhang was very noticeable, turning the performance into letterbox format. The audience near the stage seemed to "enjoy" the play more than those at the back, judging by the screams, so if you don't want to be thinking "I'll have what she's having!" I suggest a seat in A-F."
"J7 and 8: Gave an excellent view of the stage and there's plenty of legroom so comfort isn't a problem."
"J8 to 12: “Operation Mincemeat“ (May 2023). Seat J12 was in front of the sound desk, which was a slight distraction. View from J8 to 11 was fine unless you have a very tall person in front of you (which I did!), which blocks a third of the stage."
"K 16, 17, 18 and 19: I was a bit concerned about the overhang of the balcony but it made no difference. Before we would always have been sitting closer. But these seats were terrific anyway. Plenty of leg room which was surprising. Easy entry and exit as the door is just behind you to the bar/hallway."