Old Vic Theatre
The Cut, Lambeth, London SE1 8NB 0344 871 7628

- Synopsis
- Theatremonkey show opinion
- Reader reviews
- Performance schedule
- Ticket prices
Ends 29th March 2025.
Can King Oedipus find out who murdered King Laius and thus bring peace to the realm?
Ella Hickson's adaptation of Sophocles's play is directed by Matthew Warchus and Hofesh Shechter. Rami Malek and Indira Varma star. Casting details are given for information only. Theatremonkey.com can take no responsibility for the non-appearance of any performer.
(seen at the afternoon performance on 6th February 2025)
A quirk of scheduling saw two productions of “Oedipus” announced for the West End, either side of the festive season. The Robert Icke at Wyndham’s Theatre was an inventive modern take which satisfied most.
This is the polar opposite. From Hofesh Shecter’s very weird (and interminable) Indian-style dancing to Rami Malek’s inadvertent Marlon “On The Waterfront” Brando impression, to Ella Hickson’s “Cliff Notes” cribbed adaptation making the storyline crystal clear – if you are aged 9 – this misfires on every cylinder, through every single scene.
Sure, you can follow the plot, but you will wince at the unsophisticated, unpolished dialogue. Matthew Warchus knows better than to “park and bark” actors, but that’s what he has them do for the most part – forgetting to drill out of Malek the arm movements which are just semaphore on a live stage.
In fairness, Joseph Mydell and Nicholas Woodeson come out rather well as a Corinthian and Shepherd respectively. Short and interesting scenes containing key plot development.
Indira Varma’s Jocasta floats around, sensibly above much of the action, and is evidently shockproof when the final revelation comes. Either that, or Wachus ran even further out of inspiration by then, sending her up the side aisle – possibly for a stiff drink before the next performance.
Peculiar backdrop projections (Rae Smith) eventually resolve as faces, Tom Visser’s lighting is either too dark to make out anything, or sponsored by EasyJet. Fortunately, at least Christopher Shutt ensures we can hear everything in a perfect sound mix.
For those with no prior knowledge of the story, willing to accept everything grinding to a halt after each scene as the “Greek / Indian Chorus” enjoy a workout on our clock, it is passable. Anybody else with a taste for Greek classics may wish to skip this one.
Sat in E34 in the Dress Circle. Has a slight pillar obstruction but didn't impact on the play.
I'm so happy that this is so different from the Lesley Manville and Mark Strong version. So I won't compare them.
It's 100 minutes long. The story is well told but there is continuous dance before and after most scenes. It works well in the second half, and even adds to the tension, but not so much in the first and it extended the play at the end.
Sets and the lighting in particular are fantastic. Even has real rain. Sound is great but very loud but to great effect.
Performances are all really good and so is the dancing.
4 stars.
Stalls, P14: The small rake helps though it would not be pretty if someone sizeable sits in front. No way to slouch down a bit to help the people behind.
I think the dancing was alright, but partly in there to pad it out to a respectable time.
The monkey advises checking performance times on your tickets and that performances are happening as scheduled, before travelling.
Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm
Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Runs 1 hour 40 minutes approximately, with no interval.
Theatres use "dynamic pricing." Seat prices change according to demand for a particular performance. Prices below were compiled as booking originally opened. Current prices are advised at time of enquiry.
Some details will change, the monkey will update as available.

Preview performances:
During previews, half the theatre will be sold at £10, at noon, around 5 weeks before the date of performances beginning to those registered on the mailing list. Seat locations will be allocated all over the auditorium, with remaining seats at normal prices.
To register, see www.oldvictheatre.com/your-visit/pwc-10-previews/