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Nina Conti: Whose Face Is It Anyway?

Duke of York's Theatre

St Martin's Lane, London WC2N 4BG 0333 009 6690

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  • Synopsis
  • Theatremonkey show opinion
  • Theatremonkey seat opinion
  • Reader reviews
  • Performance schedule
  • Ticket prices

From 29th April to 3rd May 2025

Using her famous moving-jaw face-mask on unsuspecting audience volunteers, Nina and psychotic Monkey present an all new unscripted ventriloquism show.

Not available.

Some details may change, the monkey will update if available.

Premium seats take up most of the front stalls. The "package" price seats on row E are worth it if you were going to have a drink and bar snack anyway.

Row AA is second price and a bargain for those who don't mind being picked on from the stage. End two seats may be next to stairs up to the stage for said victims to climb.

At top non-premium price, take A or BB over L, as they are far closer and much easier to see past anyone in front in this auditorium. Aisle seats are not discounted, so expect to miss anything happening at the side of the stage. Don't go further back than row O if possible - even more heads in the way. Take R before Q, same view, cheaper.

Usual legroom issues on A. Central F doesn't have much for the money either. F1 and 19 are best bet at second price, with nothing in front.

Of the other second price seats, take the one off the aisle first for more of a view.

Skip A for legroom, and the seat next to the cheaper seat in all other rows. Go F over E in the centre, for the same view, cheaper.

May be on sale nearer the time. The monkey will update if possible.



The monkey advises checking performance times on your tickets and that performances are happening as scheduled, before travelling.

Tuesday to Friday at 7.30pm
Saturday at 9pm

Theatres use "dynamic pricing." Seat prices change according to demand for a particular performance. Prices below were compiled as booking originally opened. Current prices are advised at time of enquiry.

Some details may change. The monkey will update if available.

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